For Digital Products
You can access your purchase by logging into The Manifesting Academy portal here:
Username: [the email address you purchased with]
Password: Click “Forgot Password,” wait a few minutes and check your spam, trash or “others” folder if you don’t see it in your inbox.
Anything in the library that you see “unlocked” is either what you purchased or have free access too.
If you still don’t receive your access email, please send an email to and include the following information:
- Last 4 digits of the card you used for your purchase and the network (Visa, Mastercard, etc)
- Any other names you may have purchased with
- Any other email addresses you may have purchased with
For Physical Products Shipped to You
Physical products are generally shipped within 48 hours. Depending on where you are in the world, it can take up to 2 weeks to receive your products. If you feel you should have received your product by now and still have not, Please send an email to and include the following information:
- Add the Subject: "I never received my physical product."
- Your Full Name used during the purchase.
- The Email you used when you purchased.
- The name of the product you purchased and date of purchase.
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